Saturday, October 23, 2010

Smallville Isis - Report

In yesterday's episode of Smallville Lois is possessed by the Egyptian Goddess Isis. Isis wants to reawaken her beloved Osiris and finds Clark to be a suitable host for her husband (and brother).

What I never really understood about Smallville is how they structure their episodes. So the episode is called "Isis", right? Lois' possession happens about 10 minutes into the episode and ends 30 minutes in. That means only half of the episode is even devoted to it's main plot ... Anyway.

There are a few brief, noteworthy moments: When she enters a warehouse, Lois opens and bends a metal gate as if it was made out of cardboard, she pushes the guard that rushes towards her and sends him flying 20 feet through the air, and she rips off the lid of a wooden box. Later she pushes / throws Clark onto a sarcophagus and uses her telekinesis (?) powers once or twice against Green Arrow.

All in all I didn't find it too exciting, but still better regarding ubergirl-moments than the recent Supergirl episode. I've created clips of the scenes I found interesting, including the part when Lois becomes possessed:

Enter warehouse (steel bend, push guard)
Push Clark

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